Current: 6,074 (fut: 6,109);
Target: NA
Stop-loss shorts at 6,165 and stop-loss long positions at 6,040. Breakouts or breakdowns could go till 6,200 or 6,000 and newsflow from the FOMC may trigger a big move. A bearspread of long 6,000p (65) and short 5,900p (40) could gain 15-20 if the index breaks down.
Current: 10,153 (fut: 10,243);
Target: 10,100
Keep a stop at 10,325 and short. Add to the position between 10,150 and 10,175. Book profits at 10,100. If 10,325 is broken, a bounce till 10,450 is possible. (All futures prices)
Current price: Rs 362;
Target price: Rs 372
Keep stop at Rs 358 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 364 and Rs 366. Book profits at Rs 372.
Current price: Rs 1,434;
Target price: Rs 1,455
Keep a stop at Rs 1,420 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 1,440 and Rs 1,450. Book profits at Rs 1,455.
Current: Rs 134;
Target: Rs 127
Keep a stop at Rs 138 and short. Add to the position between Rs 129 and Rs 132. Book profits at Rs 127.
The target prices and projected movements given above are in terms of the next one trading session, unless otherwise stated