Current: 6,091 (fut: 6,108);
Target: NA
Stop-loss short positions at 6,165 and stop loss long positions at 6,045. Breakouts or breakdowns could go till 6,200 or 5,990. A bearspread of long 6000p (12) and short 5,900p (4) will double if 6,000 is struck. (All futures prices)
Current: 10,428 (fut: 10,448);
Target: 10,250 (fut: 10,275)
Critical support at 10,400. Keep a stop at 10,525 and short. Add to the position between 10,300 and 10,325. Book profits below 10,275. (All futures prices)
Current: Rs 143.65;
Target: Rs 139
Keep a stop at Rs 146 and short. Add to the position at Rs 140-141. Book profits below Rs 139.
The target prices and projected movements given above are in terms of the next one trading session, unless otherwise stated