Current: 7,534 (fut: 7,552);
Target: NA
Stop-loss shorts at 7,610. Stop long positi-ons at 7,490. Big moves could go till 7,400 or 7,700. A long 7,500p (56) and short 7,400p (30) could double if the index falls below 7,475. (All futures prices)
Current: 15,030 (fut 15,075)
Target: 14,850
Keep a stop at 15,150 and short. Add to the position between 14,925 and 14,950. Book profits at 14,850.
(All futures prices)
Current price: Rs 427
Target: Rs 415
Keep a stop at Rs 432 and short. Add to the position between Rs 420 and Rs 425. Book profits at Rs 415.
Current price: Rs 1,422
Target price: Rs 1,455
Keep a stop at Rs 1,410 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 1,435 and Rs 1,445. Book profits above Rs 1,455.
Current price: Rs 1,650
Target price: Rs 1,610
Keep a stop at Rs 1,675 and short. Add to the position between Rs 1,625 and Rs 1,635. Book profits at Rs 1,610.
Target prices, projected movements in terms of next session, unless otherwise stated