Current: 7,672 (fut: 7,698)
Target: NA
Stop-loss shorts at 7,765. Stop long positions at 7,620. Big moves could go till 7,825 or 7,575. A long 7,600p (62) and short 7,500p (37) could gain 15-20 if the futures hits 7,600. (All futures prices)
Current: 15,008 (futures: 15,103)
Target: 14,800 (futures: 14,950)
Keep a stop at 15,165 and short. Add to the position between 14,975 and 15,000. Book profits at 14,950. (All futures prices)
Current: Rs 397
Target: Rs 388
Keep a stop at Rs 401 and short. Add to the position between Rs 390 and Rs 392. Book profits at Rs 388.
Current: Rs 346
Target: Rs 399
Keep a stop at Rs 351 and short. Add to the position between Rs 342 and Rs 344. Book profits at Rs 339.
Current: Rs 988
Target: Rs 1,010
Keep a stop at Rs 980 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 1,000 and Rs 1,005. Book profits at Rs 1,010.
Target prices, projected movements in terms of next session, unless otherwise stated