Current: 10,303 (fut: 10,365), Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 10,290. Stop-short positions at 10,425. Big moves could go till 10,250, 10,475. A long 10,300p (87), short 10,200p (59) could gain 10-15 if the futures falls till 10,275.
Bank Nifty
Current: 25,184 (fut: 25,338)
Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 25,250. Stop-short positions at 25,425. Big moves could go till 25,650, 25,000. There could be a rebound today on short-covering.
Bharti Airtel
Current price: Rs 495
Target price: Rs 487
Keep a stop at Rs 500 and go
short. Add to the position between Rs 489 and Rs 490.
Book profits at Rs 487.
Tata Motors