Current: 7,671 (fut: 7,695),
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Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 7,625. Stop-short positions at 7,765. Big moves could go till 7,825, 7,570. A long 7,700c (62), short 7,800c (30) could gain 10-15 if the futures crosses 7,750.
Current: 15,818 (fut: 15,876)
Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 15,775. Stop-short positions at 15,975. Big moves could go till 16,175, 15,550. Bias may be in favour of an uptrend.
Current price: Rs 331
Target price: Rs 337
Keep a stop at Rs 326 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 334 and Rs 336. Book profits at Rs 337
Current : Rs 1,184 ;
Target : NA
High volatility likely. Infy could mvoe anywhere between Rs 1,150 and Rs 1250. Breakouts/ breakdowns outside that range could lead to a mvoe till Rs 1,025, or till Rs 1,375. Trend looks positive. Traders can take long positions with a stop-loss at Rs 1,150 and a target of Rs 1,235.
Target prices, projected movements in terms of next session, unless otherwise stated