Current: 8,356 (fut: 8,381),
Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 8.325. Stop-short positions at 8,480. Big moves could go till 8,525, 8,275. A long 8,300p (64), short 8,200p (38) costs 26. It could gain 10-15 if the index tests 8,300.
Current: 18,175 (fut: 18,243)
Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 18,175. Stop-short positions at 18,450. Big moves could go till 18,000, 18,600. A downtrend looks more likely.
Current price: Rs 726
Target price: Rs 740
Keep a stop at Rs 718 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 732 and Rs 735. Book profits at Rs 740.
Current price: Rs 885
Target price: Rs 900
Keep a stop at Rs 877 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 894 and Rs 898. Book profits at Rs 900.
Current price: Rs 234
Target price: Rs 230
Keep a stop at Rs 237 and go short. Add to the position between Rs 231 and Rs 232. Book profits at Rs 230.
Target prices, projected movements in terms of next session, unless otherwise stated