Current: 7,704 (fut: 7,717),
Target: NA
Stop-loss long positions at 7,660. Stop-short positions at 7,775. Big moves could go till 7,830, 7,610. A long 7,700c (73) short 7,800c (28) could gain 10-15 if the futures tests resistance above 7,750.
Current: 15,926 (fut: 15,937)
Target: NA
Stop-short positions at 16,050. Stop-long positions at 15,835. Big moves could go till 16,250, 15,650. Uptrend could continue.
Current price: Rs 232
Target price: Rs 246
Keep a stop at Rs 230 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 234 and Rs 235. Book profits at Rs 236.
Current price: Rs 1,535
Target price: Rs 1,565
Keep a stop at Rs 1,520 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 1,545 and Rs 1555. Book profits at Rs 1,565.
Current price: Rs 331
Target price: Rs 338
Keep a stop at Rs 328 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 335 and Rs 336. Book profits at Rs 338.
Target prices, projected movements in terms of next session, unless otherwise stated