Current: 9,630 (fut: 9,631), Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 9,570. Stop-short positions at 9,700. Big moves could go till 9,750, 9,500. A long 9,600p (39), short 9,500p (17) could gain 15-20 if the index falls till 9,550.
Bank Nifty
Current: 23,736 (fut: 23,710)
Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 23,600. Stop-short positions at 23,825. Big moves could go till 24,050, 23,350. Index may have some downside bias.
Current price: Rs 1,635
Target price: Rs 1,680
Keep a stop at Rs 1,635 and go long.
Current: 9,630 (fut: 9,631), Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 9,570. Stop-short positions at 9,700. Big moves could go till 9,750, 9,500. A long 9,600p (39), short 9,500p (17) could gain 15-20 if the index falls till 9,550.
Bank Nifty
Current: 23,736 (fut: 23,710)
Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 23,600. Stop-short positions at 23,825. Big moves could go till 24,050, 23,350. Index may have some downside bias.
Current price: Rs 1,635
Target price: Rs 1,680
Keep a stop at Rs 1,635 and go long.