Business Standard brings you handpicked top stocks that you must follow on the markets today. Also find here the target price and projected movements for the NSE benchmark Nifty and the Bank Nifty indices.
Bank Nifty
Current: 10,788 (fut: 10,798) Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 10,720. Stop-short positions at 10,880. Big moves could go till 10,925, 10,675. A long 10,800c (57) short 10,900c (21) could gain 15-20 if the index climbs till 10,850.
Current: 26,289 (futures: 26,306)
Target: NA
Stop-long positions at 26,175.
Stop-short positions at 26,425. Big moves could go till 26,625, 26,000.