Shares of Transport Corporation of India (TCI) moved higher by 17 per cent to Rs 495 on the BSE in the intra-day deal on Monday, taking gains to 62 per cent in the past four trading days after reporting a strong set of March quarter (Q4FY21) numbers.
The stock of TCI, India's largest integrated logistics service provider serving 3000 destinations, was quoting at its all-time high level. In the past one month, the stock has zoomed 100 per cent, as compared to a 5.4 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
In Q4FY21, TCI reported a 69
The stock of TCI, India's largest integrated logistics service provider serving 3000 destinations, was quoting at its all-time high level. In the past one month, the stock has zoomed 100 per cent, as compared to a 5.4 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
In Q4FY21, TCI reported a 69