Shares of Triveni Engineering & Industries dipped 5 per cent to Rs 280 on the BSE in Thursday’s intra-day trade after nearly 9 per cent equity of the sugar company changed hands via block deals.
At 09:15 am; around 20.73 million equity shares representing 8.58 per cent total equity of Triveni Engineering changed hands on the BSE, the exchange data shows. The names of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
Triveni Engineering is one of the largest integrated sugar producers in the country; amongst the leading manufacturers of engineered-to-order high-speed gears & gearboxes and a leading
At 09:15 am; around 20.73 million equity shares representing 8.58 per cent total equity of Triveni Engineering changed hands on the BSE, the exchange data shows. The names of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
Triveni Engineering is one of the largest integrated sugar producers in the country; amongst the leading manufacturers of engineered-to-order high-speed gears & gearboxes and a leading