United Spirits rallied nearly 6% to Rs 2,194 in intra-day trade, extending its previous week’s 9% gain on the BSE, after reported more than doubled standalone net profit at Rs 148 crore for the third quarter ended December 31, 2016 (Q3FY17). A Diageo Group company had a profit of Rs 37 crore in year ago quarter.
Total income from operations grew 6% at Rs 7,082 crore against Rs 6,671 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal. Net sales growth of 3% in the third quarter slowed down due to de-monetization, United Spirits said in a press release.
Total income from operations grew 6% at Rs 7,082 crore against Rs 6,671 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal. Net sales growth of 3% in the third quarter slowed down due to de-monetization, United Spirits said in a press release.