Shares of UPL were up 3.6 per cent at Rs 817.50 in Monday’s intra-day trade, quoting higher for the fourth straight trading day, and having rallied 7 per cent during the period on hopes of margin expansion. The market price of the company, a global leader of crop protection products and sustainable agricultural solutions, had hit a 52-week high of Rs 864.75 on June 8, 2021.
Brokerage firms CLSA and Emkay Global Financial Services have recommended ‘buy’ rating on UPL with target prices of Rs 1,100 and Rs 910, respectively.
UPL is aiming for a 25 per cent
Brokerage firms CLSA and Emkay Global Financial Services have recommended ‘buy’ rating on UPL with target prices of Rs 1,100 and Rs 910, respectively.
UPL is aiming for a 25 per cent