US markets tumbled on Monday as investors booked profits fearing rise in inflation. While the Dow Jones dropped 75 points to 10,766, the Nasdaq lost 14 points to close at 2,052. Indian ADRs, barring few select counters, exhibited gains yesterday. Wipro moved up 2.31% to $21.74. Infosys and Satyam, however, ended weak at $75.99 and $24.39, respectively. HDFC Bank rose 3% to $47, while ICICI Bank jumped 2% to $22.65. Tata Motors added 1.68% to $10.88, and MTNL finished unchanged at $6.83. Dr. Reddy's and VSNL, however, closed down a per cent each at $17.62 and $8.84, respectively. |