Shares of VA Tech Wabag was up 4% to Rs 518 per share on the BSE in early morning trade after the company said that it has won orders worth of Rs 5,200 million under Namami Gange scheme (National Mission for Clean Ganga – NMCG) and repeat order from oil & gas sector.
“The company, a leader in the Indian water treatment technology market, has bagged Rs 1,470 million orders from Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corp. Ltd., under the NMCG to design, build and operate a 60 MLD sewage treatment plant at Pahari, Patna. The project will be jointly
“The company, a leader in the Indian water treatment technology market, has bagged Rs 1,470 million orders from Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corp. Ltd., under the NMCG to design, build and operate a 60 MLD sewage treatment plant at Pahari, Patna. The project will be jointly