The Wall Street ended in negative territory on Wednesday. The Dow Industrial Average index slipped 100 points to 8,824. The Nasdaq shed 11 points at 1,579.
Indian ADRs, too, ended on a mixed note. Satyam zoomed 50% to $8.55. Tata Motors rallied 4% to $4.69. Infosys gained 3.5% at $24.91, and Wipro added 2.7% to $7.90. On the other hand, Tata Communications slumped 6.6% to $21.42. Sterlite and ICICI Bank shed 2.8% each at $5.88 and $18.74, respectively. HDFC Bank and Dr.Reddy's were down around 2.5% each at $72.33 and $9.54, respectively.