The Wall Street investors are worried as bailout debate grows. The Dow Industrial Average index slipped 29 points to 10,825, and the Nasdaq was up two points at 2,156.
The Indian ADRs ended on a mixed note. ICICI Bank soared 6.7% to $27.74. Sterlite and HDFC Bank rallied nearly 3.5% each to $10.20 and $94.66, respectively. Wipro advanced 1.3% to $10.01.
On the other hand, Tata Motors plunged over 5% to $8.57. Infosys tumbled over 4% to $33.68. Tata Communications dropped 3% to $20.30. MTNL and Dr.Reddy's declined 2% each to $4.23 and $11.72, respectively.