The Sensex is now down 207 points at 17,885. The NSE Nifty is down 76 points at 5,205. Bajaj Auto and Hindustan Unilever have plunged over 4% each to Rs 2,278 and Rs 199, respectively. Reliance Energy tumbled 3.5% to Rs 2,034. ITC and Reliacne dropped around 35 each to Rs 195 and Rs 2,502, respectively. ONGC and ICICI Bank slumped over 2.5% each to Rs 992 and Rs 1,190, respectively. Hindalco, Mahindra & Mahindra and Reliance Communications slipped nearly 2% each to Rs 176, Rs 689 and Rs 631, respectively. Tata Motors, Maruti and NTPC declined 1.7% each to Rs 703, Rs 842 and Rs 208, respectively. Satyam shed 1.5% at Rs 391. Grasim, Larsen & Toubro and Cipla are down over 1% each at Rs 2,965, Rs 3,728 and Rs 189, respectively. Tata Steel has moved up 1.5% to Rs 727. HDFC, BHEL and Bharti Airtel are up 1% each at Rs 2,880, Rs 2,072 and Rs 858, respectively. The market breadth is fairly negative - out of 2,624 stocks traded so far, 1,699 have declined, 875 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |