A sudden reversal in gold price, which went up nearly Rs 1,000 on Wednesday, has again given rise to hopes that the yellow metal would soon touch the Rs 50,000-mark (per 10 gram).
In Mumbai’s physical market on Wednesday, gold prices had risen after the US Federal Reserve announced one of its steepest cuts of 0.5 per cent in interest rate on Tuesday evening to provide stimulus to the economy.
Analysts, who are hoping for another rally, however, say that, “though the journey towards that level may not be easy, the current coronavirus epidemic may actually make that
In Mumbai’s physical market on Wednesday, gold prices had risen after the US Federal Reserve announced one of its steepest cuts of 0.5 per cent in interest rate on Tuesday evening to provide stimulus to the economy.
Analysts, who are hoping for another rally, however, say that, “though the journey towards that level may not be easy, the current coronavirus epidemic may actually make that