Frontline indices - the S&P BSE Sensex and the Nify50 - gained ground on Tuesday. The rally was mostly due to positive global cues that saw the US markets close firm on Monday on hope of an economic recovery after a successful early-stage trial of a coronavirus vaccine.
Gains were visible across Asian markets as well. Singapore and Indonesian shares were both on track for their biggest intraday percentage gain since April 30. Indonesian shares jumped 2 per cent, while Singapore stocks climbed for a third straight session, up 1.9 per cent. Philippine stocks, too, traded 1.5 per cent higher.
Gains were visible across Asian markets as well. Singapore and Indonesian shares were both on track for their biggest intraday percentage gain since April 30. Indonesian shares jumped 2 per cent, while Singapore stocks climbed for a third straight session, up 1.9 per cent. Philippine stocks, too, traded 1.5 per cent higher.