YES Bank on Thursday reported a 6.9 per cent YoY fall in its net profit at Rs 1,001.85 crore for third quarter (October-December) of FY19. It had posted PAT of Rs 1,076.87 crore in the year-ago period. Sequentially, the figures grew 3.9 per cent.
The bank also announced Ravneet Gill as the MD and CEO w.e.f from March 1, 2019. Currently, Ravneet Gill is the CEO of Deutsche Bank India. The bank said its board will convene on January 29, 2019 to finalise the interim transition.
The bank also announced Ravneet Gill as the MD and CEO w.e.f from March 1, 2019. Currently, Ravneet Gill is the CEO of Deutsche Bank India. The bank said its board will convene on January 29, 2019 to finalise the interim transition.
Total deposits grew 29.7 per cent YoY to Rs 222,758 crores.
GNPA (Gross non