YES Bank continued to trade under pressure, falling below its follow-on public offer (FPO) price to Rs 11.10 and down 10 per cent in on the BSE on Tuesday in early trade. By 11:56 am, however, the stock had partially erased its losses and was trading 7 per cent lower at Rs 11.45 on the BSE. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 0.42 per cent or 161 points at 38,095 levels.
The trading volumes on the counter have more-than-doubled, with a combined 640 million equity shares changing hands on the NSE and BSE. In the past 13-trading days, the stock
The trading volumes on the counter have more-than-doubled, with a combined 640 million equity shares changing hands on the NSE and BSE. In the past 13-trading days, the stock