Zee Entertainment Enterprises is trading higher by 3% to Rs 276 in an otherwise weak market after multiple block deals were executed on the counter on NSE and BSE. The stock hit a high of Rs 279 and touched low of Rs 268 on NSE so far.
About 7.88 million shares representing 0.82% of total equity of Zee Entertainment changed hands in three block deals on NSE and BSE.
At 1031 hours, around 3.94 million shares changed hands at a price of Rs 274 per share, the BSE data shows.
About 7.88 million shares representing 0.82% of total equity of Zee Entertainment changed hands in three block deals on NSE and BSE.
At 1031 hours, around 3.94 million shares changed hands at a price of Rs 274 per share, the BSE data shows.
However, the identity of the buyers and sellers could not be yet ascertained.
Meanwhile, till 1405 hours, a combined 17.28 million shares changed hands against an average sub 3 million shares that were traded daily in past two weeks.
Meanwhile, till 1405 hours, a combined 17.28 million shares changed hands against an average sub 3 million shares that were traded daily in past two weeks.