Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that 12 more cases of COVID-19, six from Kasargod and 3 each from Kannur and Ernakulam, were confirmed in the state on Saturday, taking the count to 52."Of the new COVID 19 cases, 6 people are from Kasargod, 3 from Kannur and 3 from Ernakulam. With this, the number of infected people in the state has risen to 52. Five of the patients from Kasargod have been admitted to Kasargod General Hospital and one to Ernakulam Medical College, " said Chief Minister after COVID-19 review meeting.
Two of the patients are undergoing treatment in Kannur's Thalassery General Hospital and one in the Kannur District Hospital. Those who tested positive in Ernakulam are currently in Ernakulam Medical College.
The Chief Minister said a total of 53,013 people are under surveillance in the state. Of these, 52,785 are in-home quarantine and 228 in hospitals.
On Saturday, 70 people were admitted to hospitals in the state.
Union Health Ministry on Saturday said that a total of 283 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the country. Out of the total number, four people have died and 22 others have recovered.
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