The most commonly used online password of 2013 "123456" has been declared as the worst password on the Internet for the year.
Security-focused developer SplashData declared that "123456" has beaten "password," which topped the 2012 worst passwords list, Cnet reports.
Stricture Consulting Group attempted to decrypt the leaked Adobe passwords and released an estimate that almost 2 million of the more than 130 million users affected by the breach appeared to be using "123456" as a password, the report added.
Other passwords like 'adobe123', 'letmein', 'trustno1'and 'photoshop' also made to SplashData's top 25 list list.
SplashData has recommended passwords that contain random words separated by spaces or characters, like "trolls_jobs_need" or "Crave_love_I_do.