A credit card consultant has come up with six tips on how a person can be happy in their life.
To come up with the tips, Peter Jones used his problem solving skills, which he developed to make rich men richer, the Huffington Post reported.
Firstly, a person should learn to manage his/her time more wisely.
Secondly, people should make a list that is similar to a bucket list but about the things that people would like to do right now and should start making them happen.
Thirdly, start collecting things including theatre tickets, raffle tickets, train tickets, plane tickets, postcards, greeting cards, thank you cards, business cards, labels, badges and pin them to a board. However, not all mementoes
Fourthly, a person should decide what is important in life.
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Fifthly, people should use their power of focus to concentrate on what's important.
Sixthly, a person should remind themselves as to what are the important things in their life. On a small piece of card, which is just big enough to fit that space, they should write down what you really want in life and place it in your wallet.