A Delhi Court on Friday sent S. Bhaskaran, Karti Chidambaram's Chartered Accountant (CA), to Enforcement Directorate's (ED) custody for three more days in connection with INX Media money laundering case.
On February 21, ED sought the extension of the remand, as Bhaskaran needed to be confronted with some evidence.
The ED had registered a money laundering case against Karti, son of former finance minister P. Chidambaram, in May 2017.
Karti is facing a probe for his alleged role in facilitating Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) clearance for INX Media Ltd and its directors, Peter and Indrani Mukerjea, and others.
Chidambaram is alleged to have received Rs. 3.5 crore from the Mumbai-based INX Media, now 9X Media, for helping it get the FIPB clearance when it was run by the Mukerjeas.
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