Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Dilip Pandey on Sunday said the Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi Government is committed to bring out a strong Lokpal Bill.
"If Congress Party was so keen on the bill then they should have passed it when Delhi was under President's rule after we stepped down after 49 days.....AAP is committed to bring out a strong Lokpal Bill," Pandey told ANI.
"We are moving forward in that direction. In the coming session we will introduce the Jan Lokpal in the Vidhan Sabha," he added.
The Congress today staged a protest against the AAP Government at Preet Vihar area of the national capital for backtracking on the promise of appointing a Lokpal.
The AAP Government, which has been accused of spending around Rs. 526 crore in advertisements, has been under sharp criticism from both the Congress and BJP for its publicity budget.