The Rajasthan Police on Friday confirmed that the main accused in the Jaipur rape incident has surrendered and confessed to his crime.
This case refers to the recent incident of rape of a 20-year old Japanese tourist near Jaipur by an alleged tour guide.
"The main accused in the case Ajit Singh Chaudhary has surrendered at the Dudu police station. During the initial interrogations, he has accepted that he has committed the crime. He confessed that he had befriended the Japanese girl, they went around together and thereafter he committed the offence," Inspector General of Police (Jaipur Range) D.C. Jain said.
Jain said the police had earlier formed 12 teams and had launched a massive search operation across the country to nab the culprit.
The police, which began the investigation on Monday after the victim lodged an FIR at the Dudu Police Station, arrested seven people in connection with the incident the very next day.