Madhya Pradesh Congress Leader Suresh Pachauri said on Friday that the Election Commission of India should take strict against officers who used faulty EVMs during the November 25 assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh.
"The EC has issued instructions on the issues, which we had placed before it. Some were relating to the defected EVMs and some were related to postal ballot paper system. The postal ballot should be counted first and then only the results of the EVMs should be declared," said Pachauri.
"The instructions sent in by the EC before the polls, did not reach the concerned authorities here. Officers who have proceeded with the voting even after realizing that EVMs were faulty must be punished," he added.
"They have listened carefully to our grievances. And we hope that the instructions given by the EC reaches the district officers. Other than there should be an investigation against people who are behind the tampering of the machines," he said.
On November 28, the MP Congress had written to the EC allegedly complaining about the faulty EVM being used during the polls. They claimed to receive 40 complaints during the polls.