After the Delhi High Court on Wednesday refused to stay the eviction of Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury from his New Moti Bagh bungalow, the leader described it as a NDA regime-linked political vendetta.
Chowdhury said that while he understood that the bungalow was not his paternal property, the eviction was a reflection of the NDA's eccentricities.
"This bungalow has been given to me after the High Court's intervention because for long I have been the victim of the NDA government's eccentricity. The 14, New Moti Bagh, was given to me under allocation 083. Rent was charged. What does it mean? It was given to me by the government," he told ANI.
"Later on they retreated from their commitment and then gave me another bunglow, I e. C1/99. When I inspected the bungalow, I found that it was occupied by another person - Prabha Rao, Additional Secretary. Then, where shall I go? They asked me to put my paper in. I put the paper in after collecting some data. But it was not given to me, which was complying with the status which they are arguing now," he added.
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He further said that it was after this that he moved the court.
"By the intervention of the court, the house committee and Venkaiah Naidu told the court that these are available with us. So, the government decided to allot it. But at that time, it was in a dilapidated condition. Meanwhile, I went to my constituency. But before going there I made a strong plea for a joint inspection of CPWD officials. And accordingly I made a proposal to house committee chairman," he said.
Complaining about not receiving any communication after sending the letter, Chowdhury said, "But sorry to say that I have not got any response from him. Three letters I have given. Last letter was on January 19. It is clearly substantiated that I had no intention of retaining my earlier bungalow. Because that bungalow is not my paternal property. The bungalows are simply treated by me as a transit camp. But at least a courtesy was expected from the government and from house committee."
"Meanwhile, when I was away from Delhi, a letter was sent to my residence, that on February 1, I would be evicted from my residence. On January 31, I came back to Delhi and I found out that government is planning to evict me. Immediately I moved court, the court dismissed my plea. I again moved court and the court stayed. And today the court again said that I have to vacate the bungalow. Okay. I am evicting," he added.
Authorities had on Monday disconnected water and power supply to the bungalow occupied by Chowdhury. According to Directorate of Estates, the Congress MP has been allotted another house on Humayun Road and had been given sufficient time to vacate the New Moti Bagh bungalow to which he was not entitled to.
Chowdhury is the Lok Sabha MP from Murshidabad.