A year after devastating floods hit Jammu and Kashmir, local businessmen try to revive their fortunes by promoting adventure sports in the state.
Hundreds of tourists across the country visit the valley to participate in adventure sports like rafting and ski flying.
"It is a beautiful adventure. We enjoyed the trip with my family. Overall we liked the entire Kashmir valley," said a tourist Ashwini Arora.
"I loved the rafting. I did it for the first time. Initially, I was scared. The waves come, it is beautiful and very different," he added.
A rafting stall-owner, Mudasir Ahmed, said that the state government was lending support in promoting tourism adding that the adventure sports were a hit among tourists.
"Nowadays more tourists are visiting the place and we are getting good response from them. Many tourists seek adventure sports and we have arranged many facilities for them," said Ahmed.
Both the Indian and Pakistan sides were hit by extensive flooding last September. The river flows from Kashmir to the Pakistan side, and then down into Pakistan's lower Indus river basin.