After Digvijaya Singh, Shashi Tharoor has started a trend of making worthless statements and it is better to not encourage him by reacting to what he says, VHP working president Alok Kumar said on Thursday.Kumar's response came after a controversial remark by Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram Shashi Tharoor, stating that the Hindu ideology is dividing the country."This "Hindi, Hindu, Hindutva" ideology is dividing our country. We need unity, not uniformity," Tharoor tweeted on Thursday. In his tweet, Tharoor mentioned about Abraham Samuel, a 27-year-old Indian PhD student, stopped by an immigration officer in Mumbai because he did not speak Hindi.This is not the first time that Tharoor has attacked Hindutva forces in the country.
Recently, Tharoor took a jibe at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath after his Cabinet took a dip in the Kumbh Sangam at Prayagraj. "Ganga bhi swachh rakhni hain, aur paap bhi yahi dhone hain. Iss Sangam mein sab nange hain. Jai Ganga Maiya ki! (They have kept Ganga clean and sins also have to be washed here. Everyone is naked in this Sangam. Hail Goddess Ganga!).
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