Former Maharashtra Chief Minister and senior BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis on Friday said that after the Delhi Police released the photographs of the "assaulters," it is now clear that the Left is behind the violence at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) which took place on Sunday.
"It is now clear that #LeftBehindJNUVoilence after @DelhiPolice released the photographs of the assaulters. Strong evidence released by police clearly shows who wants to make university campus a political battlefield for their own political benefits and defame India when we are progressing at such speed & getting acknowledged globally!" he said in a series of tweets.
"Attack on VC's house, attack on dean & preventing him from taking medical assistance when in dire need, keeping hostage the lady professor, internet shutdown by attacking the server room & preventing students from registering for exams... What does all this say? #LeftBehindJNUVoilenc," he said in another tweet.
Earlier in the day, it was reported that the Delhi Police Crime Branch investigating the case of violence in Jawaharlal Nehru University has identified and released photographs of nine suspects, including JNU Students Union (JNUSU) President Aishe Ghosh.
On January 5, more than 30 students of the university, including JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh, were injured and taken to the AIIMS Trauma Centre after a masked mob entered the varsity and attacked them and professors with sticks and rods.
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