Corporator and Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for Braj region, Kundika Sharma, who was booked by the police for making provocative hate speeches at slain Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader, Arun Mohar's condolence meeting last month, was released on bail on Monday.
She was arrested earlier today in connection with the case.
According to reports, Union Minister of State for HRD Ram Shankar Katheria, along with BJP MP from Fatehpur Sikri Babu Lal, had attended a condolence meeting held for VHP worker Arun Mahaur, who was allegedly killed by Muslim youth, in Agra.
During the meeting, several speakers threatened the Muslim community of revenge.
Among the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Hindu leaders who gave speeches laced with communal poison were Katheria, Babulal, Sadhvi Prachi and several other local BJP leaders.