Dubbing the Ahmednagar gang-rape as 'unfortunate', Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday said the accused has been arrested, adding the matter will be heard in a fast track court where Ujjwal Nikam will be the Special Public Prosecutor.
He said the government has given Rs 5 lakh of financial help to the victim's family.
Fadnavis further said the DNA samples of the victim and the accused have been collected and sent for forensic test.
The opposition earlier on Monday cornered the government in the Maharashtra Assembly over the rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl in Karjat Taluka in Ahmednagar.
Hundreds of angry residents blocked roads during their protests in Karjat earlier on Saturday over the torture, gang rape and murder of the minor girl on Wednesday night.
The situation is tense in Karjat and police personnel have been stationed for security.
As per reports, the victim, a ninth standard girl, was found in a mutilated state under a tree earlier on Wednesday.