The All India Football Federation (AIFF) on Saturday suspended its all footballing activities adhering to the advisories issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, and directives from several state governments to contain the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic.
"The AIFF understands and prioritises the importance of human health and life, an area which AIFF will never compromise upon. The AIFF will take stock of the situation in the last week of March, and take a decision abiding by directives from relevant authorities at that juncture," the AIFF said in a statement.
All I-League matches have been suspended from March 15 onwards. Furthermore, all second division, Youth Leagues, Golden Baby Leagues as well as National Competitions also stay suspended with immediate effect.
As announced earlier, the Indian Super League (ISL) final will be played behind closed doors at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Goa.
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