Reacting to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's 'thulla' remark for the national capital's police personnel, state Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Satish Upadhyay on Sunday said that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo should have some gravity in his statement and stop politicising the incident of the stabbing of a 19-year-old girl in the national capital.
"Who is roaming scot free? Delhi Police has already arrested the two accused in the case. The police conducted its investigation and still has to do more work. But these incidents are such that you cannot pre-empt anything. The question is that why is this issue being politicized. Arvind Kejriwal has this tendency to always politicise everything," Upadhyay told ANI here.
"The girl who was killed is a matter of grave concern for all of us. But Kejriwal is trying to politicize this grave issue by demanding that the Delhi Police be transferred under him. Kejriwal, who is the Chief Minister, should at least have some gravity in his statements and not pass lose remarks like 'thulla'," he added.
Kejriwal yesterday attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the brutal Anand Marg stabbing of a 19-year-old girl.
While expressing shock over the incident, he said the law and order situation in the national capital has deteriorated drastically in the recent past.
"Delhi Police is under the Centre. The Prime Minister should either act or transfer Delhi Police's command to the Delhi government," he said.