Software giant Apple has reportedly won its patent infringement case against South Korea's Samsung who violated the company's patents in its production of mobile phones, media players and tablets.
According to the BBC, Apple and Samsung have long engaged in legal battles over patented technology and the US International Trade Commission's (US ITC) latest ruling could see Samsung devices banned from the US.
As the ITC has sent the findings to President Barack Obama to be reviewed within 60 days and if he gives his veto, Samsung might as well be out of the US market.
Samsung said that it was disappointed that the ITC issued an exclusion order based on two of Apple's patents adding that the proper focus for the smartphone industry is not a global war in the courts, but fair competition in the marketplace.
Meanwhile, Apple said that the ITC with its decision has joined courts around the world by standing up for innovation and rejecting Samsung's blatant copying of Apple products.
The report said that the two patents are related to the touch-screen technology named as 'Steve Jobs patent' and the other is related to the audio socket on devices.