Reacting to a video uploaded by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) allegedly showing police brutality, Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi on Friday said the case would be investigated and appropriate action would be taken if required.
"If any police official is found acting against the law, we fully investigate, and appropriate action will be taken, if needed. The case will be investigated. Investigation is not done on my level," he said.
AAP has posted a video on their Facebook page which shows two uniformed men beating a man with a stick.
"Delhi Police is known to be brutal. Every now and then, we hear of stories about Delhi Police's brutality. Here is another such video. Not only does the video clearly show Delhi Police's inhuman behavior, but also the urban legend of police extorting money is caught on camera," AAP writes on its Facebook page.
"This video was shot by a vigilante near Lal Qila, and will the home minister, under whom Delhi Police comes, make sure that action is taken against these policemen?" it adds.