Punjab Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal met Prime Minister Narendra Modi here today to discuss economic, political and religious issues pertinent to Punjab.
Badal said 15 years of militancy had led to an economic slowdown in the state.
"We requested Prime Minister Modi to come up with some other way to clear the debt over Punjab and return our 3000 crore rupees back, which went from the Punjab treasury as interest to the loan of 5800 crore rupees given by the Government to Punjab," said Badal.
He highlighted the main points necessary for the development of the state.
"In our meeting with the Prime Minister we requested him to give us a big industry, to increase trade across Wagah border, to help the state not only in crop diversification but also diversification of animal husbandry and provide labor for it and to start project for the cleaning of the Satluj River just like other rivers," said Badal.