After meeting kin of the victims who were killed in the Behbal Kalan police firing, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday demanded cases should be registered against those police men who fired at the people sitting on peaceful dharna, and also against those who gave the policemen the order.
He said police fired at 200-300 people sitting on a peaceful dharna, while the person who died had taken 'langar' to dharna.
"They should be give stringent punishment," he said, demanding action against the erring policemen and officials.
Deploring the desecration of the Guru Granth Sahib as "unfortunate and painful", Kejriwal demanded immediate arrest of the perpetrators.
The act of the sacrilege of the holy book was aimed at disrupting peace and harmony in the state, said the Chief Minister, adding that the Punjab Government should take steps to restore peace
He said his party would extend full support to the families whose kin were killed in the incident.
Two people- Gujit from Saranwa, and Krishan Singh, a Sikh priest - were killed in a police firing at Behbal Kalan village.