Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said the best of economic policies in India simply remained on paper, and that they were never implemented.
"The best of economic policies simply remained on paper and they never got implemented. There was no honesty, still the government claims they've brought about development, but development is done by people, not by governments," said Kejriwal, while addressing the Confederation of Indian Industry or CII on 'AAPonomics.
"The government has to provide a safe and secure environment for development to take place. How can development take place amidst rampant corruption?" he asked.
He also said that India contained first class citizens, but with a third class government.
"We are first class citizens with a third class government. It is a wrong perception that AAP is against business. Of course we need businesses. We want to create a new India. I invite everyone to become a part of the revolution. Don't just criticise us from outside," Kejriwal said.
"It is often said we don't know anything about governance, but the steps we've taken, nobody has done as much. We ordered an audit, corruption has come down by 20-30 per cent, and these guys couldn't do it for decades. We have done in 49 days what others couldn't do in years," he said.
"Medicines are now available at government hospitals. And they say we don't know about governance? Governance isn't rocket science; we've turned the politics of this country on its head. If we fix politics, all other things will fall in place," he added.