Former Punjab chief minister and Congress Lok Sabha candidate for Amritsar Captain Amarinder Singh on Saturday advised Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) general secretary Harcharan Bains to check his English and relearn the meaning of the word 'sacrosanct'.
He said that his stand on Operation Bluestar was too well known to require any repetition and it was still the same.
"I am sure you know it, but are saying just to appease your bosses", he told Bains.
Referring to Bains' statement that the White Paper on Punjab was a 'sacrosanct' document, Amarinder Singh said nowhere had it justified any operation, including Operation Blue Star" said Captain.
Asserting that facts are always sacred and sacrosanct, he said, "yes I said, it was a sacrosanct document, and I reiterate that it is a sacrosanct document, as not even a comma or full stop can be changed."
"Even your boss should be knowing it better than you, though he always tries to hide behind the facade of ignorance, while he is a cunning man inside", he added.