The newlyweds, Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover, recently got their funny bone tickled when they appeared on 'The Kapil Sharma Show.'
The 37-year-old actress took to her Twitter page to post a picture of her and hubby KSG having a gala time at the show, writing "thank you @KapilSharmaK9 @preeti_simoes n d entire team of The Kapil Sharma Show 4 d mad love today! Was crazy fun", alongside.
Her 'Alone' co-star and husband also tweeted a photo from the sets and thanked Sony TV for "a great time."
Notably, it is the lovebirds' first public appearance after wedding.
The 'Raaz 3' actress married Grover on April 30 this year, after dating him for almost a year.