An avid bird lover in Chennai has taken on the task of feeding hundreds of parrots who visit him in the morning and evening despite the hustle and bustle of city life.
"In the beginning, only two parrots used to come to this place, and this continued for two years, but, after that, these two became four, four became eight and eight became ten and the number went on increasing, and today, more than 500-600 parrots come here daily. The arrangement of more than 20 kgs of grains daily has become a challenging task for me. I feed them ten kilograms of grains in the morning and the same amount in the evening," said Sekar.
However,, Sekar fears that these birds may soon stop coming due to the increasing noise pollution in the city.
According to him, right now they are coming inspite of the noise pollution and disturbances from various sources.
Apart from rice, Sekar scatters millet, maize and ragi. He also takes care of their water.
He hopes to build a strong permanent shelter for them eventually.