Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Nalin Kohli on Tuesday said that the UPA government had fumbled all institutions and therefore a bitter pill was needed in context of hike in railway fares.
"UPA left fumbling institutions, and therefore a bitter pill is much needed. Arun Jaitley was right when he said that it was a difficult decision but it was correct because there is need to create better facilities and it can only be done this way," said Kohli.
"The Prime Minister is talking about advanced facilities like bullet trains. We have to think of the future.. We want to get the health back of all institutions," he added.
People have been outraged by the government's decision on railway fares.
The centre has reportedly announced a steep hike in railway passenger and freight fares with effect from today.
Passenger fares have been increased by 14.2 percent, while freight charges have been increased by 6.5 percent respectively.