The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) on Friday suspended three members, Binod Kumar Majhi, Santosh Kumar Sahu and Govardhan Das of Cuttack district after an enquiry into the incident of placing the party flag on the body of the martyr Ajit Sahu.
"BJD has inquired into the incident. On the basis of this, Binod Kr Majhi, Santosh Kr Sahu & Govardhan Das have been placed under suspension from the party," said press release from BJD General Secretary BK Nayak.
Biju Janata Dal issued a clarification on Friday after reports surfaced that mortal remains of Naik Ajit Kumar Sahoo, the soldier who lost his life in Pulwama Improvised explosive device (IED) blast, were found covered in the party's flag.
"Biju Janta Dal has enormous respect for martyrs. The matter that has come to our notice is extremely unfortunate and we strongly condemn it. Party will find out who is responsible for this and take action against them," the party told ANI.
Naik Ajit Kumar Sahoo, alongside Havildar Amarjeet Singh, had sustained injuries in an IED blast in Arihal village of Pulwama district. They were provided with immediate first aid and evacuated to 92 Base Hospital but, unfortunately, succumbed to their injuries. The mortal remains of the martyrs were flown from Pulwama for the last rites to their native places, where they would be laid to rest with full military honours.
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