The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday accused Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of playing 'shoot and scoot' politics, adding that the people of the city should take the latter to the cleaners for making defamatory statements about others.
"As far as suing is concerned, anybody and everybody has the right to sue. But filing false cases and incorrect cases is an offence. The people should take him to the cleaners for making defamatory statements about others, which he has done in the past. Its 'shoot and scoot', because he would make a statement, run away and get the benefit," BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi told ANI.
On Saturday, Kejriwal had urged officials with the Delhi Government to lodge complaints against 'defamatory' news items which 'damage the reputation' of the government with the Principal Secretary of the Home Ministry.